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Crafting an Authentic Employer Brand with McLarens’ Sonya Tolson

In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, authenticity is a critical element of organizational success. In this live podcast discussion with Sonya Tolson, Global Chief People Officer at McLarens, we delve into how to build an employer brand that employees trust.

Sonya brings a wealth of knowledge from her extensive experience in leading global HR initiatives and fostering dynamic workplace environments. In this session, she shares the story of how McLarens developed an employer brand that resonated with their people and aligned with their company’s true identity.

This episode covers:

  • Insights into what authenticity means in the context of employee engagement and employer branding.
  • Practical tips on ensuring your employer brand is a true reflection of your internal culture.
  • Strategies for navigating the challenges associated with maintaining authenticity as your company grows and evolves.
  • Best practices and key learnings based on Sonya’s experience creating an employer brand and defining the employee value proposition at McLarens.
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