Bridging the Gap: Managing Generational Diversity in the Workplace
We're experiencing a workplace shift with up to six different generations working together, offering challenges and significant benefits for organizations that embrace generational diversity.
We’re living at a unique time in the workplace in many ways, and one of the biggest shifts is how many different generations are working together in offices and companies right now. With people working longer and retiring later, many organizations have become a truly multigenerational workforce, with four, five, and maybe even six generations all on one team.
From the silent generation, to baby boomers, to Generation X, to millennials, to Generation Z, to Gen Alpha, there have never before been so many different age groups working together. That presents challenges, to be sure, but generational diversity also offers many benefits to organizations that know how to embrace it and make use of it fearlessly. Here’s everything you need to know about managing a multigenerational workforce.
Embrace Diversity Within, and Between, Generations
While generational differences are real — each generation has its formative experiences — there is also much more diversity within generations than you might imagine. It’s easy to slip into ageist stereotypes, like assuming older people are bad with technology (or that younger ones are automatically tech-savvy), but the truth is that people within generations vary as widely as people between generations.
Those differences are their own kind of diversity that is valuable and worth treasuring. Don't make assumptions, but do ensure that people from each generation in your workforce feel a sense of equity, inclusion, and belonging at work.

Lean Into Similarities Too
And while the differences are real, the similarities between generations are significant. Almost everyone, of every age, wants the same basic things from their jobs: respect, purpose, fair pay, and a good quality of life inside and outside of work too.
For example, there’s been a lot of talk recently about how millennials and Gen Z are all about work-life balance — but research is clear that it’s actually a top priority for all generations. That shouldn't come as a surprise, as even people with very high levels of job satisfaction also seek a good life outside of it, but stereotypes and assumptions about generations can get in the way.

Think About the Big Picture
Of course, with generational differences and even some thoughtless ageism popping up across your workforce, conflicts might arise. It’s critical to manage those and not gloss over them, but instead of resorting to stereotypes about millennials with no work ethic or boomers who can’t create a simple pdf, focus on general conflict resolution and change management strategies that help everyone work together better.
For example, offering training to everyone if you’re switching to a new technology or system can ensure people from all generations are able to use it. Or work on improving communication skills, problem solving skills, and conflict management skills for everyone so they can talk through and resolve differences instead of resorting to harmful stereotypes and ageism. Plus, those skills are useful for everyone at your organization anyhow, so it’s a win-win!
Offer Everyone More Training Opportunities
Speaking of training, a great way to upskill your workforce and get everyone working together better is by offering more training and upskilling opportunities — for all your employees. Often, there’s an assumption that older workers aren’t looking to build new skills or develop their careers, and that’s not true for many people. And you might assume that younger workers have tech skills, for example, and aren’t interested in leadership development opportunities as inexperienced workers.
But those kinds of development opportunities appeal to workers of all ages in every generation, and giving them the chance to grow no matter where they are in their careers is good for employee retention and engagement.
You can also take advantage of generational diversity here to implement mentoring initiatives to bridge those generational gaps. Once again, don’t assume here — you’ll probably have many more experienced, older employees looking to mentor younger employees, but don’t be afraid to match up people who want to learn from each other regardless of age (like reverse mentoring). It’s a great way to boost everyone’s professional development and build cross-generational connections.

Enhance Work-Life Flexibility for All
Flexible work options might seem more popular with younger workers, as traditionalists prefer in-person work, but flexibility benefits all of your workers regardless of age. Employees in almost every generation might be caregivers, for example: a millennial caring for children, Xers caring for aging parents, a boomer caring for a spouse, and so on. And of course, even for non-caregivers, flexibility allows them to prioritize the rest of their lives outside of work.
Work arrangements that allow everyone to take care of themselves and their loved ones and live a full life are welcomed by all of your workers. Don’t assume that only parents of young children are interested in the perks of remote work or flexible options: offer them to everyone for more equity and inclusion.
Consider Flexible Retirement and Part-Time Options
And flexibility doesn’t need to be limited to working hours or location either: you can offer flexible retirement or part-time work options to all team members regardless of age.
For example, perhaps you have an experienced senior leader who isn't ready to fully step down as they have a lot of wisdom to offer the organization, but they don’t want the burden of a full-time role and there are younger workers who want to move up into their job. You can make everyone happy by offering the experienced worker a part-time role as a consultant and advisor, while another worker is promoted into that full-time leadership role. Everyone wins, as your organization benefits from both the increased mobility and the retention of that experienced senior person.
And offering more part-time options to all age groups can also help you hold onto workers who are hard to find these days. Perhaps they want to go part-time thanks to caregiving responsibilities or something else going on in their life: whatever the reason, offering it as an option can boost your retention and internal mobility as well.
Managing generational diversity in the workplace is all about creating a supportive, inclusive work environment for every demographic. Supporting age diversity is a critical part of your overall DEI initiatives, so learning how to better help everyone work together and work successfully will lead to a stronger, more inclusive organization.